It’s been difficult for me to be anything but walking on air this week. Last Sunday saw a great result which many West Ham fans are still delighted with, one that had me smiling so much I had to be asked by my hairdresser why I had a maniacal grin on my face. It’s not every weekend we gain a result like this and to bask in such glory is something we are rightly cherishing.
Expecting nothing to darken my mood, I opened the sport pages of the Daily Mail and saw a serialisation of the new ghost-written Harry Redknapp autobiography. I thought it important to point out that it was ghost-written as the more sceptical members of the West Ham and/or football community may have been surprised that Harry had produced a new book after admitting to police a few years ago during interviews that he ‘writes like a two-year-old.’
In these brief serialisations, Mr Redknapp, with the help of his ghost-writer, has admitted many groundbreaking revelations, including how it was him that made Gareth Bale a world-class player. Quite a claim, and makes you consider just how good Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo could become if they had played their formative years under his stewardship. After all, having played alongside Bobby Moore, Mr Redknapp obviously knows a world-class player when he sees one. Which neatly brings me on to my next point.
Harry has decided to come out and complain about West Ham’s treatment of the East End’s favourite son, Robert Frederick Chelsea Moore. Under the headline ‘The Sickening Betrayal Of Bobby Moore’ Harry and his ghost-writer complain about the fact Sir Trevor Brooking has received a knighthood whilst Bobby didn’t (something obviously out of West Ham’s control), that West Ham have seemingly only been respectful to the career of Bobby after his death, and that he was kicked out of a game in the 1979-80 season and treated ‘like a hooligan.’
Now, I appreciate it is very difficult for me to voice an opinion that isn’t libelous, but I find it difficult to believe Harry’s story about Bobby being asked to leave the ground for a few reasons. Firstly, if I was at a game and one of the game’s greatest players was there and asked to leave, I think I’d remember the game and opposition, especially as it was at the ground that this player was best known throughout his club career. Harry has stated he doesn’t remember the opposition. Secondly, why has this news only come out now? Surely, somebody other than Harry would have seen this and made it common knowledge. Granted in this article Redknapp said it was a sparsely populated fixture, but such an iconic figure as a World Cup winning captain would probably be fairly recognisable by fans on his own manor. And finally, the story suggests that it was a club rule to have him removed from the club secretary as he didn’t have a ticket. Ok, but if he was asked nicely to leave the ground, that to me suggests he wasn’t being treated ‘like a hooligan’ that the sensationalist headline has us believe.
Whether true or not, the story has raised the ire of many people. Some pro-Harry, others not. But, for a man with a reputation like Harry has, it seems inconceivable that he, and his ghost-writer, could claim our club ‘betrayed’ Bobby Moore, when many in the game have suggested he indeed betrayed his best friend Billy Bonds. To me, the proceeds of the book going to the Bobby Moore Cancer Charity was a grand gesture, but the cynic in me thinks it’s to possibly save face, as he, and his ghost-writer, may have included a few further stories that show Harry in a less favourable light.
Which is why I’ll get on to the subject of Harry and Bonzo next time
You also have to take into account that the ghost author is Martin Samuels, a man who writes for that journal of truth…………..The Daily Mail.
Harry redknap, Stabbed his best mate in the back, How can you trust what he says,
Harry redknapp is the biggest tosser in football. Stabbed Bonds in the back, he is less loyal than Defoe and i can’t stand his son either. He’s gonna twitch Inna minute!
Good old trusted and famously loyal Mr Redknapp
Just a quick question to the great Mr Redknapp……. if you thought West Ham have treated Bobby Moore so bad and you are disgusted with club blah blah blah, how comes you didn’t mention any of this in your 1st ‘Autobiography’ which was printed in 1998??
maybe a slip of the mind ?? or just maybe it’s because you are full of s**t and are just trying to grab headlines!!!!! mmmmm I wonder which one????
What I can’t work out is how Sir Bobby got in if he never had a ticket , he must have paid at the door or he was given a journalist ticket or did he go two for one at the door ?
I have heard this story before actually a few months back, not sure who it was mind but seem to remember it was someone sitting a row ahead as I am sure he said they welcomed each other at the time. Suggested he was generally allowed to slip in by someone on the gate. I suspect there is some truth in it but as it is uncannily like the version I heard I suspect this is a story Redknapp picked up second hand to exploit otherwise yes if it was such a terrible shock to him and left an appalling taste how come he never mentioned it before, especially in his previous autobiography. I suspect this is typical of the sort of stuff MS would or could certainly have fed him to stir up interest because he would certainly have heard the story.
I despise that droopy faced twat! He lined his pockets at the expense of us before he left. 18 million from the sale of Rio to Leeds and who does he bring in? Rigobert Song and Titi Camara! Who happened to have agents who were investigated in the bungs scandal. I’d rather have Avram Grant back before that Spiv! He slags West Ham off every chance he gets. Not fit to lace Billy Bonds boots, I hope Billy knocks the twat out.
Yeah I heard the same story years and years ago. While I was a stuard in the 1999/2000 season.
It’s common knowledge that bobby had a fall out with the club and was in fact asked to leave because he didn’t have a ticket.
I was under the impression the guy who sanctioned the eviction was sacked and bobby was apologised to. But word of mouth stories get distorted over time.
Harry is full of shite. Listen to his version of events during the Lamard/di canio penalty argument. He couldn’t even remember the score let alone the real version of events.
What does Redknapp know about loyalty and the truth ? He would say anything to make a few bob and has bled 2 clubs dry before deserting them ..JUDAS