
FIVE Things We Learnt About West Ham Against Tottenham Hotspur


West Ham midfielderAfter my frustrations and disappointment have settled a little from West Ham’s loss to Tottenham Hotspur, in what was a brilliant game of football by both sides, settled by a piece of brilliance by that man again – Gareth Bale.


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  1. 1.   Not all is as bad as it seems – The result may not have been what all of us Hammer fans would have wanted but there is a lot to be confident about. We pushed what is a top Premier League team all the way to only lose the game to a player that no team in the Premier League can handle – Bale. His second and most decisive goal was out of this world. We looked competitive and good on the attack but we lacked that final finishing ability. If we play like that against Stoke Vity and later games we will pick up points. Personally I think it has been a twitchy second half of the Premier League season from West Ham but if we carry on and play the way we did against Spurs there will be nothing to worry about.
  2. 2.   Winston Reid continues to grow as a player – It was another impressive defensive display from Winston Reid who looked controlled and composed. The past two seasons for Winston have been fantastic and he has grown into the defender we all expected when he first signed for West Ham. On top of a fine game against Spurs he took over the captain’s armband when Kevin Nolan was forced off with an injury showing that not only does he have confidence in his own ability but that he is fully capable of leading the West Ham team.


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  1. 3.   The great West Ham Fans – Although it was a frustrating night against Spurs one thing that has been constant throughout the season is the great support West Ham have and the game against Spurs was exceptional loud and proud! This is what the West Ham team need right now as we enter the important stage of the season, we are the club’s twelfth player and we need to stay strong and confident and help push the players on and give them the confidence to play without pressure.
  2. 4.   Still life in the old dog – Well I have to be honest I have given Jussi Jaaskelainen some stick over the course of this season, however, Jussi was in inspiring form against Spurs and it is still a shock to me that he wasn’t given MOTM. I hope he can keep up that kind of form until the end of the season and carry on proving me wrong. All in all it was an exceptional game for Jussi.
  3. 5.   We have a lack of depth to our West Ham squad – The one thing that has worried me from the outset of this season is the lack of depth that West Ham have in the first team. Unfortunately it showed in the game against Spurs in my opinion, the likes of Gary O’Neil, Matty Taylor and Emanuel Pogatetz are Championship players at best, so when you lose players like Nolan last night and struggle to add a sub with adequate ability it can hurt you and it did! This is definitely something that West Ham need to address in the summer if we are to push on next season.


These are my key points from the Spurs game, there are obviously more factors such as Andy Carroll causing all kinds of problems and getting a goal. There is also the fact that Sam Allardyce’s tactical knowledge is still a big worry for me as a West Ham fan but this is a time when we need to get behind the team and not point out faults so look at the positives and get behind the team now after what was a heartbreaking and frustrating defeat to Spurs.


Carl Bateson


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  • Yiddish says:

    Great West Ham Fans???? you lot are deluded – booing scott parker, what a bunch of idiots, nothing great about west ham fans, pure dirt

    • Dave Lea says:

      You’re deluded pal.So Spuds fans don’t boo ex players, how about Sol Campbell, he spent 10 years at your club. Wasn’t he booed for going to a local rival, sound familiar einstein. Imo Parker should have been given a better reception, but if you think your fans are any different/better then you are the idiot!

  • yid army says:

    1. you will never beat tottenham

    2. you will never have a player as good as BALE

    3. you will never have any fans with class (parker booing says it all)

    4. you will always be a small club in london like brentford and leyton orient

    5. you will always run from yids

    • punkrockhammer says:

      1. Haha. Look on youtube, there’s plenty of evidence to the contrary

      2. Neither will you again after the summer

      3. Sol Campbell? Oh dear, another stupid remark by a hypocritical yid. Look up hypocritical if you don’t know what it means…

      4. And you will always finish behind Arsenal

      5. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

      • the_unchosen_one says:

        Scraping the barrel there mate – have you got a crystal ball re. final league positions? Lets just wait and see how our 2 respective teams end up. I predict Spurs on the up and wet spam on the way down (again), but I honestly think you’ll survive this season (hardly a reason to be jubilant is it?)
        Put it in language you may understand; Spurs are being talked about for all the right reasons, wet spam are being basically ignored except in the context of a relegation battle. We’ve been there too, you just have to accept your pretty crappy right now and pray for a better future. Simples.

    • Yidsarescum says:

      1. We beat you 1-0 two years ago at upton park.
      2. Youre a one man team
      3. Thats what happens when you leave a club for your local rival.
      4. Would a small club just got given a 50 000 seater stadium.
      5. Your club is getting bullied all over europe mate

      • Next bus to Woolwich! says:

        You horrible little twat,the day’s of the ICF are over little boy,you lot are just dirty little oiks with no respect.Being brave on here.when you continually get turned over by the yids!!

  • sibbo says:

    learnt fat sam is a shit manager

    • James says:

      Nice and mature from you there, Sibbo. The next time I want a good, educated debate with a football fan I’ll be sure to come to you.

  • Yidango says:

    1 long ball merchants
    2 bubbles ( very silly)
    3 Andy Carrol’s a donkey
    4 Joe Cole still takes he shirt of when he scores!
    5 can’t fill your stadium.

  • Guido says:

    Deluded fool. Were it not for Jussi the score would have been 2-8! Our only plan was to hit long to Carol, and this didnt come off. The second highest passing stat in whole match was Jussi to Carol!! (All the other top 9 passing stats were for the spuds). Our fans were embareising as usual, a) Didn’t sell our our big home derby match b) Booed Parker, what was all that about? I am worried for us.

  • Yidango says:

    Gareth Bale he looks like a … GOAL!!
    That was a classic stadium silencer..

  • Helen says:

    Why shouldnt the fans boo Parker – he no longer plays for us and went to our rival. Dont see a problem. He wanted to go to Spurs – got his wish so shouldnt worry what West Ham fans do.

  • Alan says:

    Brilliant West Ham fans? Lets see shall we.

    Pre game…
    Didn’t sell out and warned about anti-Semitic abuse from YOUR Jewish owners after the reverse fixture. What kind of moron do you have to be to chant pro-hitler songs? A man responsible for destroying (amongst other things) the east end of London to a point where it has still not recovered. Minority I hear you cry. How loud can “one or two” people hiss and be heard across a stadium? Think about it.

    During the game, after the sixth minute when all the Moore stuff ended, your chants were all abusive to Bale or Parker (someone who laid his body on the line countless times to save your team from relegation long before it finally happened). Bale rammed it all back in your throat. Looks like a….goal. Aside from the customary delusional chants immediately after your goals, it was silent. I guess when you take out the hissing, Di Canio, Lazio, Hilter garbage, you guys have nothing left.

    Post game, anti-Semitic abuse on the train ride home. Foreskins mean a lot to West Ham fans. Not to worry though. Hardly any spurs fans are actually Jewish. Your club is more Jewish than we are. Not that there is anything anyone other than you and Neo-Nazi cunts have a problem with. So I shrugged off the abuse, afforded myself a smile that you find yourselves six points off the place your long ball football belongs and we sit 4 points in where ours belongs. See how that works?

    • James says:

      Someone clearly wasn’t at the game. If you were, then you might want to get your ears and eyes tested.

      There weren’t any pro-Hitler songs on Monday, nor were there songs about Lazio, Di Canio or any hissing.

      As a season ticket holder for over 15 years, that had to be one of the loudest atmospheres I’ve witnessed at Upton Park for a long time, and that’s saying something. White Hart Lane could only dream of an atmosphere like ours, something I’ve had admitted to me by several Spurs fans over the years.

      What exactly makes you think we ‘belong’ in the Championship and you ‘belong’ in the top four? And you call us delusional? Show me some statistics that prove that is indeed both our club’s fate and I’ll apologise for branding you as just another delusional, jumped up Yid.

  • Garry Rogers says:

    Helen……with an attitude like that you could only be a West Ham fan. Did you go and spit on Bobby Moore’s grave because he played for Fulham? I was born close to the Boleyn and lived close until my late teens. It is because of brainless idiots like you that I hate the club and everything they stand for.

  • the_unchosen_one says:

    Think the scoreline flattered wet spam big-time if I’m honest, your keeper kept Spurs out almost single handed. Look at the stats and you didn’t deserve 3-2, what was it? wet spam 4-6 shots on target Spurs 16?
    Thought the treatment of Scotty pretty shabby too, done you good service down the years. As for the Bale chants you basically had them rammed where the sun don’t shine right? Not doing your neanderthal image any good there………

  • Yiddish says:

    duhhhhhhhhhhh helen.

  • Essex iron says:

    To all u deluded yids just understand that u are a one man team It’s all about bale the boy is class but without him would you have won? . nope best u would have got is a draw. we were all over you , dumb mistakes by us gave u the win. ..and lloris yr keeper had the game of his life too just remember. we could have easily got a positive result if our manager didn’t make stupid subs and changed our tactics…Bale saved your bacon again be honest…Scott Parker is a sellout so he obviously gets booed…our fans are the bees knees ..loyal all day long

    • Yidango says:

      Your goalie made 11 saves! Going by West Ham stats We had 25 shots, 16 on target..
      We mutdered you! And we never got out of 1st gear….

    • jdsrightfoot says:

      lloris had the game of his life? really if anything it was one of his lesser games, on another day he saves joe coles shot and we are deluded?
      Second 45 you got pummeled all over the park and if you think otherwise go and watch the game again. As for your fans and your chanting well that worked out well didnt it, Chimp who is not only better then anyone you ever had but better then anyone you will EVER have! we may not have him forever but we do have him.
      as for that donkey Carroll…. actually I dont care enough!

    • Next bus to Woolwich! says:

      All over us? what with the high ball?You need to look at the stats for this game,as other wise your comments make you look like a tool!!

  • carl bateson says:

    All am hearing is a lot of childish spurs fans…. i you complain all the time for people calling you yiddos but yet nearly all you spurs fans that have commented have used the word.. never mind you won Bale was class end off spot with the child like comments and grow up… also I didnt like the fact Scott parker was booed.

    • Tsaksonakis says:

      Nice article, Carl.

      FWH should ban the ‘Y’ word, for more than several reasons, not least because two of the morons posting here would have to change their user names, though given there childish rantings I suspect they’ll be Chelski supporters well before then!


  • yiddish says:

    carl, no spurs fans complain about being called yid, calling a spurs fan a yid is calling them a spurs fan, we all know that. badiel, the society of black lawyers, they complain about the yid spurs thing but thats for their own publicity gains. you are – and i hope you don’t mind me saying as it is true, are a moron, not very smart, completely thick am i right?

    • Carl Bateson says:

      Yes i am a moron and am completely think you have figured me out, now go back in ya cave you fool

  • yiddish says:

    Carl “Master” Bates(his)son – oh sorry is that childish?

  • Helen says:

    Garry Rogers – its all about opinions. I was just pointing out that if people want to boo then that’s their prerogative. I have never booed any of our players no wonder how bad they have played as I support West Ham United. I even clapped Parker off when he was subbed on Monday. I too was born near the Boleyn in Plaistow and lived there many years before moving to Essex. So if that’s what makes me a brainless idiot then so be it.

  • Phil the iron says:

    For all the mindless crowing spuds are still missing the point. Up untill less than 20mins to go you were 2-1 down! What’s more never looked like scoring either! Then big Sam gifted you the game with mindless substitutions! Demel off won you the game! Not anything you’d did! At2-1we were cruising,! If not for injuries and small squad we would have won game! By the way dembelle should hav been off for off ball lunge at Nolan let alone pulling player back a nd then kicking ball away in second half! Parker booed! So what! Who cares?! Only had loads of shots on goal(which jussi saved as was expected)after big sam had gifted you game! Even then it took 30yarder to beat us! So think on before you start crowing! Your not that good! If so how did it take till the last kick of the game to beat “little” ol’ west ham! U got lucky!

  • Yiddish says:

    duhhhhhhhhhhhhh helen duhhh duhhh duhhhhhhhhhhh

  • James says:

    I find it absolutely hilarious that Spurs fans feel the need to come on to a WEST HAM website and comment on an article that has said nothing bad about them.

    Apparently it was meant to be our cup final on Monday night but, judging by your celebrations at the final whistle and the reactions/gloating from your fans online ever since, it appears it was actually yours.

    A friend of mine, a Spurs fan, told me before the game that it wasn’t a big game for Spurs and that he couldn’t understand they hype around a game with West Ham. That’s his opinion. My phone didn’t stop going off immediately after the whistle with him gloating, taking the mickey and claiming we’re just a small club in London. But, of course, we’re the deluded fans.

    Anyway, enjoy your last few months with ol’ Wonder Boy. I’m looking forward to his departure, not because you’ll be lost without him, but because I’m just sick of all the hype around him. Class player, yes. World class player, no. STOP comparing him with Messi. He isn’t as good as him and he never will be.

  • Steve says:

    I’ve read a loud of rubbish in my life but some of you Spurs fans are really delusional. I couldn’t watch that rubbish week in week out. They are a one man team and they have two tactics. One is give the ball to Bale who just blindly runs at defences hoping to get chopped down and get a free kick or roll the ball out to Dawson who tries hit 60 yard balls to wide man, and that isn’t a long ball then I don’t know what is. They play parasite football, suck teams in and hit them against the run of play. No of you must have been at the game Mon night as none of you have commented on the things they got away with. Why was Parker not booked for the two footed tackle for the pen. I have seen players sent off for less then that for a tackle outside the box. Dembele should have had an early bath as he committed two bookable offences after the one he was booked for. There should have been another pen when Caulker pulled Carroll down in box. The winning hit and hope toe poke was lucky as “Lino” Bale (called so cos he spends more time on ground than standing up) tried to con Webb by diving first and was lucky not to get a card for it. From West Ham’s point of view if Taylor had scored instead of hitting the ball into Lloris’s face they would gone on to win 4 or 5 – 1. Some team this season are gonna stuff Spurs soon and I will be more than happy when it happens. They are only where they are in the league because of the silly points the others around them have dropped not what they have won.

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